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by Peter Shaffer

21st - 24th November 2019

at Victory Hall

In the court of the Austrian Emperor Joseph II, Antonio Salieri is the established composer. Enter the greatest musical genius of all time: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Salieri has given himself to God so that he might realize his sole ambition, to be a great composer. Mozart is a foul-mouthed, graceless oaf who has that which is beyond Salieri's envious grasp: Genius.


Antonio Salieri - Ian Hartley
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Steph Haynes
Constanze Weber - Sarah Carter
Joseph II - Mike Smith
Count Johann Kilian Von Strack - David Bickley
Count Franz Orsini Rosenbery - Kevin Porter
Baron Gottfried Van Swieten- Ken Towlson
Venticello - Ann Bickley, Martin Cartwright, Jane Fosbrook, David Kinghorn, Maggie Smith, Suzanne Smith


Director - Suzanne Smith
Stage Manager - Anna Wright
Prompt - Patricia Boyd
Sound and Lighting - Martin Smith
Refreshments - Rita Dudek, Joan Worrall
Front of House - Members of the Society
Site Manager - Richard Corser



